Given: 3x + 1 = -14; Prove: X = -5 (2024)

Mathematics Middle School


Answer 1


x = -5

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for x:

3 x + 1 = -14

Subtract 1 from both sides:

3 x + (1 - 1) = -14 - 1

1 - 1 = 0:

3 x = -14 - 1

-14 - 1 = -15:

3 x = -15

Divide both sides of 3 x = -15 by 3:

(3 x)/3 = (-15)/3

3/3 = 1:

x = (-15)/3

The gcd of -15 and 3 is 3, so (-15)/3 = (3 (-5))/(3×1) = 3/3×-5 = -5:

Answer: x = -5

Answer 2


Step-by-step explanation:

3x + 1 = -14;

substr 1 : 3x+1-1 = - 14 -1

3x = -15

divid by 3

x = -5

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1100 is the answer. You flip the fraction and multiply top to top and bottom to bottom when dividing so 440/1 X 5/2

The answer for this question is 1,100

Five times a number minus seven.​


5x - 7 (x being the number)


x would be the unknown number. for example if it were 3 you would multiply 3 and 5 to get 15 then minus 7 to get 8.

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Step-by-step explanation:




Kilogram abbreviation




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Louie needs to add 2/3 of a cup of chocolate to his cupcakes. He only has a 1/3-cup measuring cup. How many scoops of chocolate does Louie need to add?


Louie needs to add 2 scoops


2 Scoops

Step-by-step explanation:

1/3 plus 1/3 equals 2/3, so he would need two 1/3 scoops.

The temperature at 10 A.M is 12 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature at 6:00 A.M. was -7 degrees Fahrenheit. How many degrees did the temperature rise?


The total temperature rise was 19 degrees.

What is Temperature?

Temperature express the measure of hotness and coldness, how hot matter is. It measure this thing in terms of any of several arbitrary scales like Fahrenheit temperature scale, absolute scale (kelvin) etc.

In the question statement, the temperature at 10 A.M is 12 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature at 6:00 A.M. was -7 degrees Fahrenheit.

Here the difference in both the temperatures is as:

12 - (-7) = 21 degrees Fahrenheit

Hence there was an increase in temperature of 21 degrees Fahrenheit.

To learn more about temperature, refer to the link:


It rose 19 degrees farenheit

Hector is dividing students into groups for an HR wants to divide the boys and girls so that each group has the same number of the boys and girls their 21 boys and 56 girls signed up for the hike to how many groups can the students be divided how many boys and how many girls will be in each group.​



7 groups, 3 boys and 8 girls

Step-by-step explanation:

Let total number of groups be

and total hikers in one group be

if number of girls and boys in every group is same, then


from (1) will either be 11 or 7

for the values won't be real.


so there will be 7 groups with 11 hikers in each groups and every group will have boys and girls

Which product is greatest? (-9)*(-3) or (-7)*(-2)? explain



-9 x -3

Step-by-step explanation:

-7 x -2 will give +14.

-9 x -3 will give +27

+27 is greater than +14.

Two negative numbers multiplied will give a positive answer. (Always)

How can you use the Angle-Angle Similarity Postulate to find out if triangles are similar? A Triangles are similar if one corresponding angle in each triangle is the same measure.

B Triangles are similar if two corresponding angles in each triangle are the same measure.

C Triangles are similar if one corresponding angle and one corresponding side in each triangle are the same measure.

D Triangles are similar if two corresponding sides in each triangle are parallel to each other and have the same measure.



B. Triangles are similar if two corresponding angles in each triangle are the same measure.

Step-by-step explanation:

If two pairs of corresponding angles are congruent, then that makes the triangles similar to each other, by the Angle-Angle Similarity Postulate.

* This is definitely a genuine statement!

I am joyous to assist you anytime.

Find the mean, median, and mode of each set of values. 1.) Customers per day: 98 87 79 82 101 99 97 97 102 91 93​


Put the values in order of least to greatest, and then eliminate numbers from each end until you’re left with one.
79, 82, 87, 91, 93, 97, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102
Median - Middle number, 97
Mode - Number that appears most often, 97
Mean - Add all numbers and then divide the total by the number of values in the data set, 93.3


Mean = 93.3 ( to nearest tenth).

Median = 97.

Mode = 97.

Step-by-step explanation:

Arrange the data in ascending order:

79 82 87 91 93 97 97 98 99 101 102

There are 11 numbers.

The Median is the center value (= the 6th number) = 97.

The mode = highest occurring value = 97.

The mean = sum / 11 = 93.3.

Solve the formula C= Rd for d



d = C/R.

Step-by-step explanation:

You Divide both sides by R:

C = Rd

C / R = Rd / R

C/R = d.

Solve for "X".
x2 = 121
X = ? or x = ?​


X= 11 or x=-11. I believe you meant to say x^2=121?

3/8 multiplied by 4/5 in fraction form



3/8 multiplied by 4/5 forms the fraction 3/10

What is the required fraction ?

A fraction has numerator in top & denominator in bottom.

Given fractions are 3/8 & 4/5.

To multiply these two numbers, we have to multiply numerator of 3/8, i.e. 3 with numerator of 4/5, i.e. 4.

Also we have to multiply denominator of 3/8, i.e. 8 with denominator of 4/5, i.e. 5.

So, the new number be 3/8 × 4/5

= (3×4)/(8×5)

= 12/40 = 3/10

The required fraction is 3/10

Learn more about fraction here :


You are going to multiply numerator (top number) by denominator ( bottom number)

3*4= 12
(12 is your numerator)

8*5= 40
(40 is your denominator)

Your answer is 12/40

You can also simplify to 3/10

Laura is selling raffle tickets. for every 4 tickets, she charge $28​



$7.oo for one ticket

Step-by-step explanation:

if Laura is selling 4 tickets for $28 then you would divide 28 by 4 and that's your answer.



Step-by-step explanation:

you do 28 / 4 + you get 7

A toll bridge in Maine in the early 1900s charged $0.02 per person and $0.0625 for a dozen sheep. How much would the toll cost for 3 people and 4 dozen sheep?


0.31 should be the correct answer

Multiply. (2.5×10−^8)(9×10−^10)

Express your answer in scientific notation.

A. 2.25×10−^19

B. 2.25×10−^17

C. 2.25×10−^16

D. 2.25×10−^18




B. 2.25×10−^17

Step-by-step explanation:



I took the test so im 100% sure

Good luck

Write 230.071 in expanded form


The third number to the left of the decimal is the hundreds, so you have 200.

The 2nd number to the left of the decimal is the tens, so you have 30.

The first number to the left of the decimal is the ones, and you have 0 ones, so you have 0.

The first number to the right of the decimal is the tenths place, which is 0 so it is 0.0

The second number to the right is the hundredths place, which is 0.07

The third number is the thousandths place, which is 0.001

The expanded form becomes:

200 + 30 + 0 + 0.0 + 0.07 + 0.001


230.071 = 200 + 30 + 0.07 + 0.001

Step-by-step explanation:

First, make the following table.

Hundreds: 2

Tens: 3

Ones: 0

Decimal: .

Tenths: 0

Hundredths: 7

Thousandths: 1

With the help of this table, now it is easy to write the expanded form as follows

230.071 = 200 + 30 + 0.07 + 0.001

If square root of x has a decimal approximation of 3.4, then x is between which two integers? In your final answer, include all calculations.



The integers between which x lies is:

11 and 12

Step-by-step explanation:

square root of x has a decimal approximation of 3.4


We have to find the integers between which x lies

On squaring both sides, we get


Clearly, 11.56 lies between 11 and 12

Hence, the integers between which x lies is:

11 and 12


You know that √x = 3.4, therefore x = 3.4² = 11.56

Hope I helped :)

Find the gcf of 9s and 63s2 plz help




Step-by-step explanation:

63s² = 9 · 7 · s · s = (9s)(7s)

Therefore GCF(9s, 63s²) = 9s

The ordinate of every point in the x-axis is zero true or false.



As you remember from pre-algebra a coordinate plane is a two-dimensional number line where the vertical line is called the y-axis and the horizontal is called the x-axis. These lines are perpendicular and intersect at their zero points. This point is called the origin.

Step-by-step explanation:



i need help on this too

Given: 3x + 1 = -14; Prove: X = -5 (2024)


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